HP Manufacturing not only has the ability to design and manufacture your components but to also provide full assembly into sellable finished assemblies or to ship to your manufacturing facility for installation into a larger machine or product.
With all steps of the manufacturing process under one roof, we can provide a cost-effective finished product with special attention to quality, production deadlines, and the feasibility of end-use.
Our custom assembly shop employs a multi-talented crew that can take care of all your product assembly needs including:
Proprietary Equipment Assembly
Metal Parts Assembly
Plastic Products Assembly
Hydraulic Assemblies
Electrical Assemblies Including UL Certification through a 3rd Party
Aerospace Tools and Tooling
Foundry Tools and Tooling

A certified ISO 9001 quality management system ensures clear processes and (communication) structures, tasks and responsibilities throughout the entire organization.
This increases the involvement of your staff, which improves the working atmosphere and reduces the pressure of work.

HP Manufacturing has the capability to design, develop and manufacture your assembly fixtures and tooling from the ground up. We specialize in both aerospace tools and tooling, as well as foundry tools and tooling. We have been the go-to partner for these services since 1981.
Not only are we highly experienced at creating and building these custom fixtures, jigs, etc., we are also very adept at assisting you with options and efficiencies in the manufacturing process. This is NOT our first rodeo in this area. Our expertise will help ensure that your project goes without a hitch!